January: Alexandra Lucaciu, Philadelphia, PA
January: Alexandra Lucaciu, Philadelphia, PA
Date: January 3, 2020
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Alexandra has a powerful personality that shines through when you see her eyes and her smile. She is a smart little girl who loves to imitate adults and spend time with her 4 year old brother, Victor. At her young age, Alexandra has already learned to be very strong and brave.
In August of 2019, The Lucacius were on vacation in Mexico where it became very apparent that Alexandra was not feeling well. She was sleepy, feverish and not acting herself. As soon as they returned, her father took her to St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children where she was diagnosed with Pre-B ALL. This came as a huge shock to the family but they are thankful she was diagnosed quickly and started her treatment right away. Alexandra has been through a lot in her very short time but she is a fighter and her family gives her so much joy and happiness.
Information provided by her parents, Andreia & Michael.