November: Nasir Blakey, 11th grader at Mastery Charter Pickett, Philadelphia, PA

November: Nasir Blakey, 11th grader at Mastery Charter Pickett, Philadelphia, PA
Date: November 1, 2017
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This teenage boy loves to play sports, especially basketball, football and baseball. He also loves to cut hair! Nasir always has a smile on his face even when he is not feeling well. His mom describes him as an optimist. Nasir tries to do everything he is supposed to, appreciates everyone and is so polite. He is surrounded by a wonderful team of people that care for him and rally around him, including two brothers, one sister and his whole school! Nasir was spotlighted on the CBS segment, Brotherly Love titled “Cancer Who”.
Nasir’s cancer was discovered through an ultrasound of his stomach. He was diagnosed on February 17, 2016 with a desmoid tumor. His treatment plan has consisted of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and more. There have been too many days and nights spent in the hospital so Nasir is looking forward to spending time with family and dreams of being a football player. Nasir lives by the golden rule treat people the way you want to be treated.
Information provided by his mother, Lakisha Blakey.