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Thank you to Michael’s Way

Thank you to Michael’s Way

Posted By: The Vernborg Family, Donation Recipient
Date: January 12, 2015
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How do you thank someone? Nothing matters more then our little boy’s recovery from cancer, yet our children need a roof over their heads, food, heat in the winter, a working vehicle to drive our son for his treatments, to get to the grocery store…


Before Wyatt was diagnosed, the world we were raising our children in seemed rather bleak, selfishness the norm, anger, heartache, crime increasing – not the dream every parent historically has for their children’s future. But we were wrong. Amidst the heartache and terror of having a child being treated for cancer these past five years, has come the realization that we are indeed, never alone in this world, that there are so many people who truly care! Some are families who have walked in our shoes and know all too well the road we travel. Many have not and yet reach out in the name of a child, often they have never even met!


How do you thank someone? Do you tell about the tears that trickle upon your face when you think about THEIR sacrifice for your child and family? Do you describe the conversations you have with your children, when you get to say “see, no matter how difficult things may get, God will always help us, and see how He does it through the hands of such kind people” ? Do you simply say that a burden lifted from an already heavy heart, lightens the load enough to allow much needed smiles and laughter in between the pain? Do you let them know you pray for them with your children?


How do you thank someone? I know I don’t know anything that could ever fully express how we feel. I guess, you just say the words. From the deepest recesses of our hearts, THANK YOU! And God bless you.



With much love,

The Vernborg Family

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Dedicated to helping families of children with cancer